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Can Receding Gums Be Fixed?

Receding gums refer to cases in which the gums start pulling back, slowly exposing more and more of your tooth’s root. This can lead to a variety of dental health problems, from increased tooth sensitivity to even permanent damage to your teeth if you do not receive the right treatment.

However, if you do receive treatment to stop the gums from pulling back, can you really fix the problem?

Well, in terms of whether the gums can grow back, the answer is unfortunately no. Gum recession is permanent. But, there are ways to stop this issue from getting worse.

Signs Your Gums Are Receding

To know if you maybe have receding gums, look for the following signs:

  • Heightened sensitivity, especially to extreme temperatures.
  • A notch where the gums meet the tooth.
  • Teeth appear longer.
  • Noticing mild gum bleeding after you brush your teeth and floss, etc.

You should know that it can be difficult to spot gum recession at home. The changes occur slowly, and by the time most symptoms become noticeable the condition is often extremely advanced. As a result, it’s extremely important to see the dentist at least two times a year for a check-up, to spot any gum issues as soon as possible.

Why Do Gums Pull Back?

Gum recession is usually a sign of gum disease or its more severe form, periodontitis. It is essentially an infection of your gums that destroys the healthy tissue and makes the gums pull back from the tooth, gradually exposing the root.

Some risk factors for gum disease can include:

  • Poor Oral Hygiene – Flossing and brushing help remove the daily film of plaque that forms on the teeth, which is made from unwanted bacteria. With poor oral hygiene, plaque can turn into tartar, and continue to attract unwanted bacteria that affect the healthy tissues of your mouth.
  • Lifestyle Factors – Smoking or improper nutrition are common risk factors for gum disease and therefore gum recession.
  • Genetics – Some individuals are more likely to suffer from gum disease than others because of certain genetic markers.

How Are Receding Gums Treated?

If you think your gums are receding, it’s important to book a consultation with a dentist as soon as possible. Based on that first appointment, the dentist can determine the severity of your condition and establish a treatment plan to restore your dental health.

Some treatments often used for gum recession can include:

  • Scaling and root planing
  • Gum grafts
  • Gum surgery
  • Dental cleaning and at-home medication to treat the infection, etc.

Think Your Gums Might Be Receding? Parklane Family Dentistry Can Help!

Parklane Family Dentistry is here to help you stay on top of your dental health needs, with professional services delivered with a caring touch.

To get started, schedule a consultation with Dr. Parul Vashisht online, or call our office directly at (469) 452-2998 for more information.